Information Technology Society (OITS)
1. Conference Theme: |
2. Dates of Conference: Month: Start Date: End Date: Year: |
3. Location of Conference: Location: Alternate Website: Address: City: State: Postal Code: Country: Telephone: Fax: Email: |
4. Proposal: Proceeding: Yes (Must) Tutorials: Yes No Symposium/Panel Discussion: Yes No Exhibits: Yes No |
5. Expected Cosponsoring
Entity(s) and Financial Involvement: Institution Type of Support: Financial % 1. 2. 3. 4. |
6. Request Submitted By: First Name: MI: Last Name: Affiliation: Web: Affiliation Support: Yes No Address: City: State: Postal Code: Country: Telephone No.: Fax No. Email: Signature:
Date: |
CIT Steering Committee
1. Title of Conference: ICIT-Year
(e.g. CIT-2005)
2. Dates of Conference: Enter the month, start date,
end date and year of conference. Usually
3. Location of Conference: Enter name of hotel, organization/institute or conference center (preferably website information also) and complete address
4. Proposal: Indicate what you expect regarding proceeding, symposium/panel discussion, tutorials and exhibits.
5. Co-Sponsoring Entities: Indicate the expected funding (best judged estimate) sources that the hosting entity plan to arrange (e.g., the hosting entity, sponsors (indicate entity name if known), grants (individual/organization) etc.)
6. Request Submitted By: Main contact person submitting the requst to host CIT, including his/her email address, signature, and date.
Please email the request to the Steering Chair with details as available, by 1st November to be able to take action.